Master Kadence theme - Make websites in Wordpress Gutenberg >>>>>>>> Free Web Development course

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Master Kadence theme - Make websites in Wordpress Gutenberg >>>>>>>> Free Web Development course

Free Udemy Web Development course

Development,Web Development,WordPress
Master Kadence theme - Make websites in Wordpress Gutenberg


The Master Kadence Theme course is a comprehensive guide for creating stunning websites using WordPress Gutenberg and the powerful Kadence Theme. The course begins with a Kadence Theme Tutorial, providing step-by-step guidance on website creation and customization. Lectures 1 and 2 focus on creating a captivating header and footer using the Customizer in Kadence Theme, while Lectures 4 and 5 explore the intricacies of building a custom homepage and blog page. Lecture 6 teaches the art of crafting single blog post templates. Lectures 7 and 8 focus on customizing the layout of archive or category pages, followed by lessons on creating custom single post layouts and sidebars using Kadence Blocks Pro. Advanced techniques, such as custom loop layouts and infinite scroll for blog posts, are introduced in Lectures 10 and 11. Lecture 12 focuses on enhancing user experience and navigation. Section 2 provides valuable insights into customizing product archive and single product pages, optimizing cart and checkout options. Section 3 introduces prebuilt templates to streamline website creation, and Section 17 explores additional functionalities, such as creating sticky social media icon widgets with Kadence Blocks Pro. Finally, Section 4 concludes with advice and encouragement for those embarking on their journey to mastering the Kadence Theme and creating exceptional websites with WordPress Gutenberg.

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