Building a REST API with NodeJS, Express, and MongoDB [2024] >>>>>>>>> Free Web Development course
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Building a REST API with NodeJS, Express, and MongoDB [2024] |
This Udemy course offers a comprehensive and free guide on building REST APIs using Node.js, Express, and MongoDB. The course covers the theory and fundamentals of APIs, mastering CRUD operations, and exploring different server response types. The course also covers setting up a MongoDB database using MongoDB Compass (GUI) and populating it with mock data from Mockaroo. The course also covers configuring a Node.js environment, installing Express and MongoDB drivers, building a robust server, enhancing functionality with pagination, and handling status codes effectively. The course also includes testing the API using Postmann, an Open Source Chrome extension, to validate its functionality. By the end of the course, the learner will have the knowledge and practical skills to confidently build and test REST APIs using Node.js, Express, and MongoDB.