AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals: Compute & Network >>>>>> Free IT Certifications course

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AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals: Compute & Network >>>>>> Free IT Certifications course

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IT & Software,IT Certifications,AZ-900: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals
AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals: Compute & Network


Azure is a powerful platform that offers a range of services and networking concepts. Its core components include Azure Web Apps, containers, Azure Functions, Azure App Service, virtual networking concepts, network security, Azure Virtual Private Network (VPN), Azure ExpressRoute, and Azure DNS. These services are essential for a smooth and efficient operation of Azure. The Azure DNS service is a crucial component of Azure, providing a secure and efficient way to communicate with Azure. The Azure Functions are a set of functions that allow users to manage and manage Azure resources efficiently. These functions are essential for ensuring the smooth functioning of Azure applications. The Azure DNS service is a crucial component of Azure, providing a secure and efficient way to manage Azure resources.

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