Generative AI - From Big Picture, to Idea, to Implementation | Bestseller Generative AI Course coupon code


Generative AI - From Big Picture, to Idea, to Implementation | Bestseller Generative AI Course coupon code 

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Development,Data Science,Generative AI,udemy,
Generative AI - From Big Picture, to Idea, to Implementation | Bestseller Generative AI Course coupon code 


There are 3 angles that we take: 

  1. Application angle: we get to know many GAI application fields, where we then ideate what further projects could emerge from that. Ultimately, we point to good starting points and how to get GAI models implemented effectively.

    The application list is down below.

  2. Tech angle: we see what GAI models exist. We will focus on only relevant parts of the code and not on administrative code that won't be accurate a year from now (it's one google away). Further, there will be an excursion: from computation graphs, to neural networks, to deep neural networks, to convolutional neural networks (the basis for image and video generation).

    The architecture list is down below.

  3. Ethical angle/ Ethical AI: we discuss the concerns of GAI models and what companies and governments do to prevent further harm.

Enjoy your GAI journey!

List of discussed application fields:

  • Cybersecurity 2.0 (Adversarial Attack vs. Defense)

  • 3D Object Generation

  • Text-to-Image Translation

  • Video-to-Video Translation

  • Superresolution

  • Interactive Image Generation

  • Face Generation

  • Generative Art

  • Data Compression with GANs

  • Domain-Transfer (i.e. Style-Transfer, Sketch-to-Image, Segmentation-to-Image)

  • Crypto, Blockchain, NFTs

  • Idea Generator

  • Automatic Video Generation and Video Prediction

  • Text Generation, NLP Models (incl. Coding Suggestions like Co-Pilot)

  • GAI Outlook

  • etc.

Generative AI Architectures/ Models that we cover in the course (at least conceptually):

  • (Vanilla) GAN

  • AutoEncoder

  • Variational AutoEncoder

  • Style-GAN

  • conditional GAN

  • 3D-GAN

  • GauGAN

  • DC-GAN

  • CycleGAN

  • GPT-3

  • Progressive GAN

  • BiGAN

  • GameGAN

  • BigGAN

  • Pix2Vox

  • WGAN

  • StackGAN

  • etc.


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