Character Crafting with Blender for Absolute Newbies | Blender 3D & Animation best course


Character Crafting with Blender for Absolute Newbies | Blender 3D & Animation best course 

A 3D adventure through character creation in Blender


The first couple of lectures are free to preview so feel free to do so :). You can even learn basics of Blender just with the preview lections :).

And the fun starts:

Newbie Niko: I am so frustrated! I dream about learning Blender and make 3D characters with it, but i don't know where to start. It is so hard!

Description Feel free to preview the first few lectures since they are available for free:). With just the preview selections, you can even learn the fundamentals of Blender:). Then the fun begins: Newbie Niko: I'm so angry right now! I've always wanted to learn Blender and use it to create 3D characters, but I'm not sure where to begin. It is really difficult!

For Niko Unwind, my man! I'm here to support you. Beginner Niko: Waaaaa! How dare you enter my house! It makes no difference! Hey guys, this is Niko, a trained and experienced 3D character artist. He offers a tonne of classes on human anatomy, Zbrush, and Blender. Additionally, he has two YouTube channels with tens of thousands of subscribers: Speedchar and Speedchar Live. I am so happy! For Niko I appreciate it, Newbie Niko. Only you should take this course. Starting from scratch in Blender, we'll go through all the tools and actions required to make this almost adorable rabbit character. We'll cover modelling, sculpting, fundamental materials, lighting, and rendering. So buckle up!

We'll start by becoming accustomed to the Blender interface, learning how to model and sculpt in the software, and creating a simple human head as a warm-up project. Next, we'll begin creating the rabbit by focusing on the head and adding features like eyebrows, eyes, and hair. After that, we'll go over how to create the body and the limbs. After that, I'll draw your attention to the hand, which is a bit challenging but that we can work through together:). The next item on our list will be making the clothes, and with my assistance, you will manage just fine. We'll even create a large chef's knife as a character prop, probably for slicing some enormous carrots. After that, we'll begin cleaning, sanding,
Before we begin setting up the materials and lighting, it will be time for some adjusting and repairing. We will also learn about Photoshop composition, renders with transparent backgrounds, lights, and camera position. As an added bonus, I'll even demonstrate how to create a turntable video of your character at the conclusion. Although the course is intended for complete beginners in Blender and character art, intermediate users are welcome to join me in creating this character. As the course is about to begin, I must depart. I'll see you there. Who should take this course: Beginners who want to learn Blender's 3D character crafting art 


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