Shopify Power: Build An Ecommerce Website Using Shopify..93% off udemy coupon code

omnia elsadawy
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Shopify Power: Build An Ecommerce Website Using Shopify

Shopify Power: How To Build A Website, Sell Your Products, And Grow A Business On Shopify. Taught by award winning CEO and Adjunct Professor of Online Marketing at Northwest University - Jason Miles. 
About The Instructor & His Authentic Credibility On This Topic: Together with his wife, Miles has sold millions online and their popular shopify website (Pixie Faire) has even been featured by Shopify as one of the sites premiere success case studies. Miles shares their insider tips, techniques, short-cuts and hard-won lessons acquired as they personally set up and built their Shopify site, which currently transacts 40,000-50,000 orders a month and serves over 1 million pageviews. 
How Is This Course Different? This course includes analysis, opinions, techniques, short-cuts, and tips from the instructor that you won't find on the help pages of Shopify, or in other Udemy courses. It also includes  step-by-step site build demonstration section. 
This course offers a unique and systematic framework for planning and launching a Shopify site in a step-by-step method that will prepare you for long-term ecommerce success.
Who Is This Course Designed For? Students should have a basic understanding, or willingness to learn web-building, such as having previously set-up a blog. They should also have the time, patience, and willingness to implement the lessons and details taught in this course. Students should already have a product, product idea, or product plan. If you have a private label product you sell on Amazon, or are an artist, crafter, or seller of unique items - and need a fully functional ecommerce website - then this course will be of value to you. 
Warning, Web Professionals - You May Find This Course Too Basic. We do not cover creating custom themes or working in Liquid (the code language of Shopify). This course is intended for entreprenuers, marketers, brand owners and small business people - not developers. 
Who this course is for:
  • Take this course if you've decided shopify is the right ecommerce website platform for you
  • Take this course if you're ready to work hard to build your Shopify website
  • Take this course if you have a moderate amount of technology comfort particularly with photo editing using tools like Photoshop Elements
  • Don't take this course if you cannot take photos, write sales copy, or don't have a basic comfort with online tools
  • Don't take this course if you're a I.T. industry professional / developer looking for technical details about Shopify (this course is for entrepreneurs/marketers).
  • Get the course

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