8 (EIGHT) Economics courses in 1. (Includes 17 Workbooks!)..91% off udemy coupon code

omnia elsadawy
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Udemy coupon.......................Five reasons to TAKE THIS COURSE right now:
8 (EIGHT) Economics courses in 1. (Includes 17 Workbooks!)

  1. You cannot lose - 30 day refund if you really really don't like the course BUT if you DO like it:
    a. updated lectures
    b. case studies based on very very current news items
    c. detailed responses to messages
    d. I constantly attempt to have a 'class atmosphere' e.g. throwing questions open to all
    e. regular Announcements that are not disguised sales ploys
    f. regular FREE access to numerous other courses offered by me
  2. I am a lecturer/teacher in Economics by trade i.e. I teach full-time for a living. I have been Principal, Director of Studies and Head of Economics. (Oxford, UK)  I have lectured in University, adult evening classes and also run over 60 seminars in the UK, Poland and the Czech Republic.
  3. I am/have been an Examiner for FIVE different examination boards
  4. I have 100+ books on Amazon - many of them about Business/Economics
  5. The success of my students has been featured on the BBC, Daily Telegraph, The Times and I have been featured on TV in 2 countries (as well as the UK)
I make courses on Udemy primarily because I enjoy the process of causing learning. Many of my courses are to improve lives. One of the Economics courses (Dogonomics) is to raise money for charity. (100% of revenue goes to the charity) Fundamentally this course is about helping you.
What is the course about?
This course is EIGHT Economics courses in ONE!
  • Boris and Brexit - the UK PM's pledges analysed
  • Macroeconomics
  • Microeconomics
  • International Economics
  • Case Studies
  • Short-answer questions
  • Government policy
  • Short lectures....long lectures....
The EIGHT  courses take you through BEGINNER to ADVANCED!
Course One - Egg Timer Economics
‘Egg timer economics’ is a series of very short lectures that illustrate key areas of the advanced Economics course. (Each lecture is about 3.5 minutes, hence the title 'Egg-timer Economics!) The course introduces key areas of micro and macroeconomics in a very straightforward way. There are also two sections on current affairs to encourage those attending the course to use news items to learn about Economics.
Each lecture (except Current Affairs) is accompanied by data response questions and a quiz.
Course Two - Corbynomics
Jeremy Corbyn leads the Labour Party in the UK. 'Corbynomics' has certainly captured the attention of the young.
BUT what IS 'Corbynomics'?
This part examines the Labour Party's Economic policies
Course Three - Trumponomics
An examination of the economic policies of President Trump and America.
Note: Read through the Announcements and Q/A for further discussions
Course Four - Revision Lectures
There are three elements to this course:
  • current news items
  • rapid fire questions about the economics in the news
  • revision lectures
Course Five - World Economics
We look at individual economies of the world - starting with the UK
Course Six
Back to basics but also a giant leap forward - go and look!
Topics include:
  • aggregate demand
  • aggregate supply
  • confidence and AD
  • economies of Australia, America, Sweden and the UK
  • impact of Brexit
  • international trade
  • government economic policy
  • savings/savings ratio
  • Twitter as an investment tool
Course Seven
  • The economic legacy of Theresa May, the UK Prime Minister who has just resigned (May 2019)
  • The European Elections
Course Eight
The UK has a new Prime Minister. He has made a series of pledges about the economy.
These are analysed.
These EIGHT courses are spread over ONE HUNDRED +lectures - and these are being added to!

What terminology would you expect the audience to use to find your course?
The terminology is common business language – as found in newspapers. Therefore terms such as ‘fiscal policy’ and ‘monetary policy’ are used. Students  are encouraged to use the Q/A option to raise points and questions. These questions will very quickly be responded to.
What kind of materials are included?
85 short lectures and some documents that a) test whether the student had understood/remembered the key elements of the lecture and b) questions encouraging to do their own research. In that way the course continues beyond the video.
How long will the course take to complete?
Assuming the student has an hour a day, the course could easily be covered in twenty weeks. However, one of the purposes of the course is to enthuse the student and the questions asked may encourage the student to spend hours reading newspaper articles. There are also 17 workbooks that, if filled in, will easily take another 100 hours. (This is a very intensive course!)
How is the course structured?
The lectures follow the standard Advanced Economic syllabus. So, video, then an extension document. Then the next video. There are many, many revision questions.
Why take this course?
So many reasons!
1. To quickly gain an understanding of micro and macro economics
2. To be able to assess and evaluate America's economic policies
3. To be able to assess and evaluate the UK's 'alternative' economic policies
4. In the final extended section you can thoroughly test yourself and really see if you understand the economics behind current articles. These lectures are boosted by repeats of earlier lectures. Thus: R-E-V-I-S-I-O-N
NOTE: September 20th 2018
I have just added extra resources to the first section of the course. (The 'egg-timer' section) At the end of each lecture is a resource that has:
  • a series of short answer questions testing your understanding of the lecture and encouraging further research
  • a data response question that is specific to the topic
  • an up to date newspaper article (20th September 2018) that is relevant to the topic and questions related to the article
This will further aid your understanding - for Beginners and also those who are Advanced!
NOTE: February 11th 2019
FOUR workbooks have been added with up to date material
NOTE: April 2019 ... more lectures added and TEN workbooks
NOTE: June 2019: A special section on the legacy of Theresa May (UK Prime Minister) who has just resigned PLUS comments on the EU Elections
NOTE: July 2019: workbook on Economics and decluttering added
NOTE: August 2019: a new section added on Brexit and the economy - and the pledges of the new PM

Chapters in the decluttering workbook

Chapter 1 : The economics of decluttering
Chapter 2: Decluttering the company
Chapter 3: How to declutter like an Economist
Chapter 4: Buy less…
Chapter 5: The economics of tidying up
Chapter 6: Declutter your business
Chapter 7: Mistakes people make when decluttering
Chapter 8: The Kondo Effect: the economy-changing magic of tidying up


  • Decluttering
  • Sunk costs
  • Costs of clutter
  • 5S lean manufacturing
  • Lean management
  • Declutter your mail inbox
  • Declutter your home office
  • Wasting time and opportunities
  • Thinking like an economist
  • A rich life with less stuff
  • Marie Kondo
  • How much is enough
  • The art of letting go
  • Recycling
  • Status quo bias
  • Diminishing returns
  • Decluttering mistakes
  • Minimalism
  • Consumerism
  • Minimalism and economics: the endowment effect
Who this course is for:
  • Anyone wanting to progress from Beginner to Advanced in Economics
  • Everyone interested in the Economics behind President Trump's policies
  • Those who learn through a variety of styles
  • All those beginning Economics and want bite-sized chunks
  • Someone who wants to master the basics in order to understand the complex
  • Those who like REVISION LESSONS, case studies and questions
  • Everyone who likes regular updates to their knowledge through discussion
  • Get the course

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