Free udemy course...........Hi ,In this course we will give a quick introduction to Microsoft SQL server. We will discuss about Data, Database and finally Data base management system. Then will start by discussing about SQL.
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SQL Interview Questions For Three Years Experience |
After we describe about SQL, We will go in the details of DQL SQL statements. DQL is Data Query Language SQL statements , which we use to retrieve data for a data base management system or DBMS.
Then will discuss abut DDL statements , and will create a new table alter table structure by adding more columns then remove columns from a tables.
We will discuss about How to retrieve entire data from SQL server table, Select relevant columns from a table , then restrict row based on our requirement. We will discuss about Select statements with where clause and ( will see how to use = , > ,>=,<,<= , in , or and between)
Who this course is for:
- This for every students who wants to learn SQL
- For those who wants to start a carrier in Data base management system
- Get the course