- More Throughput (eg. orders/ day, customers served/day)
- Shorter & Consistent Lead Times
- Less Working Capital & Costs
Business Improvement Science |
No improvement is possible without taking action and CHANGE something. But it costs money to make changes in your business, and the results are not guaranteed, unless you know how CAUSE & EFFECT works in your business.
In this course, I use my proprietary 'Causal Map' that connects your key business outcomes (for Customer and Shareholders) to the operational levers you can move, and to the financial metrics. You will learn important scientific principles of business improvement such as
- Little's Law,
- Kingman Equation, and
- Operating Curves
The 'Causal Map' will be used as a pivot throughout this course.
Who this course is for:
- Owners, Founders, Entrepreneurs of Small & Medium Business (SME)
- Chief Executives or Managing Directors of SME
- Senior Executives With P&L Responsibility
- Directors/ Consultants of Operations, Operational Excellence
- Get the course